Tours y actividades

Philippines From Above - El Nido to Coron (Part 4 of 4) 4K
about palawan.
Palawan , officially the Province of Palawan, is an archipelagic province of the Philippines that is located in the region of MIMAROPA. It is the largest province in the country in terms of total area of jurisdiction. Its capital is the city of Puerto Princesa, but the city is governed independently from the province as a highly urbanized city.
The islands of Palawan stretch between Mindoro in the northeast and Borneo in the southwest. It lies between the South China Sea and the Sulu Sea.
Home to the oldest human ancestor, Tabon Man, who lived in the island 50,000 years ago, found in Tabon Cave, in the municipality of Quezon.
Palawan is undeniably one of the best island in the world, you can find the most beautiful islands in the world between El Nido (Bacuit Archipelago), Linapacan Island, and Coron, where you can find the diverse aquatic life and the most beautiful corals you'll ever see.
What more, its not just famous for beautiful islands, but also, one of the 7th Wonder of Nature, can be found here, the Underground River, the longest underground river in the world.
The Tubbataha Natural Park also known as Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, is a protected area of the Philippines located in the middle of the Sulu Sea. The uninhabited islands and reefs are part of the island municipality of Cagayancillo, Palawan. In December 1993, the UNESCO declared the Tubbataha Reefs National Park as a World Heritage Site as a unique example of an atoll reef with a very high density of marine species; the North Islet serving as a nesting site for birds and marine turtles. The site is an excellent example of a pristine coral reef with a spectacular 100-m perpendicular wall, extensive lagoons and two coral islands. In 1999, Ramsar listed Tubbataha as one of the Wetlands of International Importance. In 2008, the reef was nominated at the New 7 Wonders of Nature.
So, immerse yourself to the most beautiful island of the world, Palawan, the last frontier of the Philippines, where endless awesomeness of the nature never ends.
El Nido es un municipio filipino en la isla de Palawan. Es conocido por sus playas de arena blanca, arrecifes de coral y por ser la puerta de entrada al archipiélago de Bacuit, un grupo de islas con acantilados kársticos escarpados. La isla Miniloc es famosa por las aguas cristalinas de sus lagunas Pequeña y Grande. La cercana isla Shimizu tiene aguas repletas de peces. La zona cuenta con muchos sitios para bucear, incluido el largo túnel de la isla Dilumacad que conduce a una caverna submarina.
Puerto Princesa es una ciudad costera en la isla de Palawan, en el oeste de Filipinas. Es una base para realizar excursiones en barco por las enormes cuevas de piedra caliza y el río subterráneo del Parque Nacional del Río Subterráneo de Puerto Princesa, un lugar de gran biodiversidad. Hay sitios de buceo por toda la bahía de Puerto Princesa, hogar de delfines de hocico largo, tortugas y rayas. Cerca del puerto se encuentra la Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepción, del siglo XIX.
Coron, oficialmente el Municipio de Coron, es un municipio de primera clase en la provincia de Palawan, Filipinas. Según el censo de 2015, tiene una población de 51.803 personas.
Un destino popular para los buceadores que desean experimentar los restos de los naufragios japoneses de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y muchos de sus hermosos sitios de buceo.
"Conocida como una de las aguas más claras en las que se puede nadar en el mundo"