A guide to the Secret Spots of El Nido, Part II
Yes Part II, and here are some of it and I will reveal it this time

Picture #1 (Getty Image)
Picture #1 Kuyawyaw Waterfalls
Only locals knows about this place, and travelers only knows them when a local tells them of course.
Almost an hour motorbike bike ride from the town of El Nido.
The ride and the hike is totally worth it.
Try the drinkable water source, it taste really good.

Picture #2 (Getty Image)
Picture #2
Probably you've see this somewhere, yes this is the one.
This is not the secret spot, but the way to it and beyond it, is the secret spot! the beach is empty and walk to the shore line is just worth every minute that you walked it!

Picture #3 (Getty Image)
Picture #3 Nacpan Beach
Yes, the name is not a secret spot, but, in it lie a secret spot! And its out of the travellers radar because of distance.
Can you see it already?

Picture #4 (Getty Image)
Picture#4 Duli Beach
This still a secret spot, you know why, only few travellers dare to visit it because of its distance.
But Lagum Adventure Organized daily trips to this one of a kind secret spot, book Surf Trip by Lagum Adventure and they will bring you to one of the coolest secret spots in El Nido.
There are more secret spots we wanted to share to you.
Hang on there and keep on look out.
If you have one secret spot, let us know about it, will include them in our Part III.