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Lagum Adventure, adventure starter kit and the beginning.

The guy behind the adventure was parasailing in Cebu, and ask himself? Why not create our own adventure?

(Lagum Adventurer Starter Kit)

From that, Lagum Adventure is born, from the peak of the parasailing rope.

(Lagum Adventure Logo)

With the non stop travelling around the country, and all the places visited, places and activities that Lagum Adventure is promoting is a result from careful selection, taking consideration adventurers experience.

From the mountains of Luzon to the perfect cone of Mt. Mayon, from Vigan to the Surfing Capital of the Philippines, Siargao Island in Surigao to name the list.

All of the places and activities that Lagum Adventure (El Nido Adventure) currently has, they know by heart. This is their playground and favourite.

- They call it home.

Why name Lagum?

Lagum is a cebuano word, means dark, since all of the activities are mainly done outdoors and under the heat of the sun, it will eventually make one skin dark, a.k.a , Lagum. the word " Lagum " is linked to adventure for one reason, you can never have a nice Lagum skin without the outdoor adventure, and the founder is Lagum himself he named the business.

Want to be Lagum? Book an exciting adventure with Lagum Adventure!

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