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Philippines Top Spot to Visit (Series), The Rice Terraces of Cordilleras.

The Ifugao Rice Terraces in the Cordilleras, is one of the most iconic destination in the Philippines, and why, its not just UNESCO Site, its creation is dated way back 2000 years ago, worked by generations of small farming community in the highlands of Cordillera. A local pride of the highlands of Ifugao.

Ifugao Rice Terraces is the priceless contribution of the Ifugao Community to the humanity.

The five inscribed clusters are; (i) the Nagacadan terrace cluster in the municipality of Kiangan, a rice terrace cluster manifested in two distinct ascending rows of terraces bisected by a river; (ii) the Hungduan terrace cluster that uniquely emerges into a spider web; (iii) the central Mayoyao terrace cluster which is characterized by terraces interspersed with traditional farmers’ bale (houses) and alang (granaries); (iv) the Bangaan terrace cluster in the municipality of Banaue that backdrops a typical Ifugao traditional village; and (v) the Batad terrace cluster of the municipality of Banaue that is nestled in amphitheatre-like semi-circular terraces with a village at its base.

The Ifugao Rice Terraces epitomize the absolute blending of the physical, socio-cultural, economic, religious, and political environment. Indeed, it is a living cultural landscape of unparalleled beauty.

Protection and management requirements

The Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras were declared National Treasures in Presidential Decrees 260:1973 and 1505:1978. The terraces are likewise protected by the Republic Act No 10066:2010, providing for the protection and conservation of the National Cultural Heritage.

The terraces have long been protected and managed through traditional ancestral land use management traditions of the indigenous Ifugao community. Individual terraces are privately owned and protected through ancestral rights, tribal laws and traditional practices. The maintenance of the living rice terraces reflects a primarily cooperative approach of the whole community which is based on detailed knowledge of the rich diversity of biological resources existing in the Ifugao agro-ecosystem, a finely tuned annual system respecting lunar cycles, zoning and planning, extensive soil conservation, and the mastery of a most complex pest control regime based on the processing of a variety of herbs, accompanied by religious rituals.


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a day ago
Rated 4 out of 5 stars.

It was okay but it needs to be a bit longer and more detailed. I would give this a b- in my field of education. I have 3 Phd's in the teaching field and I am also an established business man. When I read this, I learned very little.

a day ago
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I really enjoyed it and YOU ARE RIGHT 12365mememem it should be more detailed and I think it should get an A- in my field of education.

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