Palawan has a reputation as one of the best islands in the world to visit, not just one time, but every year for the past few years!
Yes, Palawan has been gaining best islands accolades by many reputed travel authority, like Conde Nast, Time Magazine, and many others.
With this, many of the islands are now gaining more visitors and travellers from around the world, so here are the islands less travelled or visited.
Long Beach, San Vicente Palawan
Although its gaining popular lately, for the tourism board of the Philippines started to promote this one beauty.
Duli Beach, Palawan
Located approximately 25 kilometers from the town center of El Nido, a turtle nesting place, and local surfer favourite surfing spot.
Nacpan Beach
Although the most famous beach in Palawan and the second longest white sand beach in the Philippines, still consider one of the remote beach in Palawan.
Little Maosonon Island (Takling Island)
A small uninhabited island located somewhere in Linapacan Group of Islands. You visit this island, by doing Linapacan Adventure or Palawan Expedition. For more details, check out the link below:
Tapiutan Cove
This is not in the local tours of Palawan Itinerary, and one of the best place in Palawan!
Dolarog Beach
Not a popular name when it comes to beach in El Nido, this makes this place remote, not a lot of beach walker wander in this side of El Nido. Thick bushes, trees and coconuts lined up to its shore line.
You might want to walk on this side, follow Meremegmeg Beach and walk 2 km more ahead.
Dagmay Beach
Only a handful of travellers visited this beach, but it is gaining popularity slowly. You might want to visit it while its still bare.
Gintu Island, Linapacan.
One of the many islands of Linapacan Group of Islands, and one of the biggest in
area, also uninhabited.
White Beach, Port Barton.
Port Barton has one of the coolest and chill vibe in all Palawan destination, here you can just lay on the white sand beach and just stare at the ocean with spotless empty mind.
Dipalian Island
Latitude : 11.67951° or 11° 40' 46" north
Longitude: 120.04256° or 120° 2' 33" east
You can enjoy this island in one of the most Unique Palawan Activities, Expedition Palawan. For trip information and reservation, Lagum Adventure Philippines organizes Palawan Expedition.
Check out website below:
Balabac Island, Palawan
Balabac Island is the southernmost island of the Palawan province, and therefore the westernmost undisputed island in the Philippines, only about 50 kilometres North from Sabah, Malaysia, across the Balabac Strait.